Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I enter an exhibit?

Find the correct entry
Enter online at

Registration deadline is July 1.

2. Where do I go on check-in day?

Animal Entries: Report to the barn where your animals will be penned or stalled. The superintendents will check in your animal. Have your CVI and registration papers ready upon animal arrival.

Non-animal Entries: Report to the building where your exhibit will be displayed. Refer to the check-in times and building in this publication for your exhibit’s department.

3. When can I remove my exhibit?

Departments’ release times are on the schedule of events.
Exhibitors must present claim tickets to remove exhibits.
Present claim ticket(s) at the fairgrounds gate the final day of fair from 9-11 a.m. for free admission for exhibit removal.

4. When do I receive my premium check?

Checks should be available at the Livestock Office after 1 p.m. on Friday of fair week.
Checks not picked up by 9 p.m. Saturday are mailed.
Premium checks for Friday and Saturday contests are mailed.
Premiums are only paid to the number of placings listed under the class in this publication. Premiums are not paid for champions and reserve champions.

Huntingdon County Fair Rules for Fair Conduct

Rules of conduct shall apply to all who enter the fairgrounds  whether vendor, exhibitor, camper, or member of the general public.


●Alcohol and controlled substances are prohibited on the grounds.
●Smoking is prohibited in all buildings on the grounds.
●Extremely loud, objectionable, or vulgar language is prohibited at all times.
●Unsportsmanlike, disruptive, and unethical behavior is prohibited at all times.
●When an exhibitor, parent, guardian, youth leader, coach, agent, or representative acting on behalf of an exhibitor is guilty of unsportsmanlike or unethical conduct the Huntingdon County Agricultural Association (Fair Board) may require the exhibitor to return all trophies and ribbons and may prohibit the exhibitor from participating in any of the exhibitor events for such a period as judged appropriate by the Fair Board. Any of these individuals may also be expelled from the fairgrounds for unsportsmanlike or unethical behavior as judged by the fair board.

Housekeeping Expectations

●Maintain a clean area around your booth, exhibit, camper, or concession.
●Drainage of any liquid from concessions or campers must be disposed of at the dumping station (near grandstand entrance). After the first warning, the Township Enforcement Officer will be called.

Objects PROHIBITED on the grounds

●Motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, or skateboards prohibited inside the gates.
●Dogs and other pets (except service animals)
●Glass containers or bottles
●Camping tents
●Laser pointers, water pistols, cap pistols.

Transportation around the grounds

●All vehicles must park in designated areas and have a valid parking pass displayed at all times.

●Golf cart use during the fair is reserved for medical services and fair personnel.

●Physically challenged persons are welcome to use wheelchairs or ADA recognized mechanical wheelchairs or scooters.

●Any exceptions to the above policy must be registered with Director Jim Rowe at the main office.

Hours of Operation

●11 a.m. – Daily delivery deadline on the grounds.
●11 p.m. – Curfew. Businesses must close.
●11:30 p.m. – Unauthorized persons must be off the grounds.

Failure to comply with the rules of conduct may result in eviction from the fairgrounds and/or loss of privileges.